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Meredyth A Wegener, PhD

About Me

Meredyth Wegener is a Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience at Vanderbilt University with a passion for inclusive pedagogy, a humanistic approach to learning, and her dog, Oxford. 



Class of 2006, Bryn Mawr School for Girls, Baltimore, Maryland

B.A. in Neuroscience cum laude, University of Virginia, 2010

PhD in Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh, 2017


2012 - 2017: Graduate student researcher, laboratory of Dr. Bita Moghaddam

2011 - 2012: Research Assistant, laboratory of Dr. Patricio O’Donnell

2010 - 2011: Research Assistant,  laboratory of Dr. Geoffrey Schoenbaum

2008 - 2010: Research Assistant, laboratory of Dr. James Coan

Summer of 2007 - 2007: Research Assistant, laboratory of Dr. Bradley Alger

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